Enrichment for Toddlers

Four toddlers playing with alphabet blocks together on the floor of the toddler room at The Wonder Playschool.


~15 months to 2.5 years


Toddlers are always striving to make sense of the world around them by discovering and exploring. We know children learn best through play, so we seek to provide our Investigators with the time, space, and freedom to follow their curiosity and engage in as much meaningful play as possible.

Language / Literacy

We encourage expanding back-and-forth conversations, supporting their ability to express their ideas, thoughts, and feelings. We engage children in activities that build their receptive language, using simple directions that allow them to develop a deeper understanding of language. We introduce books and stories, fostering an early love of literacy and the understanding that written words carry meaning. We also encourage early writing attempts through scribbles and mark-making.

Social / Emotional

As toddlers become more mobile and independent, we help them develop strategies to navigate emotions and build social skills. Our program provides opportunities to initiate play and build early friendships with peers. We guide children through simple routines and help them begin to understand the feelings of others. We support their developing independence by supporting and encouraging them as they complete increasingly complex tasks and activities.


Toddlers begin to show a growing awareness of math concepts like quantity, spatial relationships and shapes through everyday routines. We introduce basic math vocabulary like "more," "less." "big," and "small" during interactions and play. We use opportunities such as counting objects to develop rote counting skills and support early grouping skills. We introduce the concept of measuring by exploring the world around them and using comparison language to describe their findings.

By providing intentional interactions and a nurturing, responsive environment, our program creates a continuum of learning that supports children every step of the way. From the earliest interactions of infancy to the more complex learning of toddlerhood and beyond, we are committed to helping children develop a strong foundation for future learning and success.